Dallas Financing And Refinancing Lawyers
Obtaining financing for the purchase of commercial real estate or for a development project is no simple task. It can be challenging to work with a bank to obtain favorable terms on a commercial loan. Thankfully, you do not have to do this work alone. At Lawrence Law PLLC, we use our decades of experience in the field of commercial real estate to help buyers, investors and developers obtain favorable financing for their purchases and projects.
Commercial Real Estate Financing
You have the right to have a lawyer assist you in obtaining financing and reviewing the terms of a commercial loan. Our lawyers will work with you to find a lender you can work with, if you have not found one already. It is important to recognize that the loan document may contain terms that may place significant burdens on you as the borrower. We will help you understand the terms of the loan in relation to your goals. We will examine the cost and possibility of changing the terms if they are unfavorable, and we will negotiate the terms if they are flexible.
Commercial Real Estate Refinancing
Refinancing a commercial loan can be just as difficult as getting a new one. In the past, some borrowers have been able to call their loan officer and work toward a renewal. In today’s market, that may not be a possibility. The lender may need to have the commercial property appraised, depending on if it is in an area where property values may have declined. Some lenders may be hesitant to refinance at all, even if the borrower has been diligent in making payments. We will work with you to determine your refinancing options.
Contact An Experienced Texas Lawyer Today
Discuss your case with our Dallas financing and refinancing attorneys. Call us at 800-272-7575 or send us an email to arrange an appointment.